The Shark Shuffle

The Shark Shuffle is a regular, time-limited event in Undersea. When you take part, the goal is to flip cards to find as many rewards as you can while avoiding sharks.

The event is divided into 40 stages. At each stage, you can choose to flip one of four cards. If the card you flip hides a reward, that reward will be added to your reward pool. If the card hides a shark, you will have two options:
  • Spend Coins to keep all the rewards in your reward pool and play on
  • Quit the event and lose all the rewards in your reward pool

You can choose to quit the event and collect all the rewards in your reward pool at the beginning of any stage. Keep in mind that the first stage and every 5th stage are bonus stages in which there are no sharks.

Finally, if you make it to the final stage and get the Grand Prize, you can start the event again as long as it is still on.

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