Getting in a Club

There are two ways to get into a club:
1. You join an existing club.
2. You create your own.

Creating a Club

1. You need to have beaten Level 150 to access Clubs.

2. That done, go to the Clubs window and click the Create button - it'll cost some Coins to do so.
3. When you set up your Club, you can select the entry requirements - which League potential Club Members must have reached in the Solitaire Tournament in order to join your Club.
4. You can also choose to make it an Open or Closed Club. Anyone can join an Open Club as long as they meet the Club's requirements, while only those approved by the Club Leader can join a Closed Club.

Joining an Existing Club

1. You need to have beaten Level 150 to access Clubs.
2. To find the Club you want to join, you can browse, or you can search by name or tag. A Club's tag is automatically generated when the Club is created.
3. You can send a request to join a Club, provided it has vacancies. The maximum number of spots in a Club is 15.

4. You can send several requests simultaneously, but you can only actually join one Club at a time. To join a new Club, you need to leave your current one first.

6. Clubs have entry requirements. To join a Club, your Solitaire Tournament League must meet or exceed the League indicated in the Club’s Settings.
5. Having sent a request to join a Club, you can cancel it if you wish.

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